Physical Touch — Self Love in Action

How to use your Language of Love to deepen your self-connection

Caffeinated Housemum
6 min readFeb 19, 2021
Image from Canva

Physical affection is one of the main ways that many of us show how much we love and care for others.

For some, it’s the way we like to be shown that we are loved as well.

If you love Physical Touch, then your partner probably finds it very easy to speak your language…

However, when it comes to looking after ourselves, we should take the time to understand our own needs, and the best ways to fulfil them.

If you don’t already know about all five Languages of Love, you can check out this post

…then pop back here to see how you can include Physical Touch in your daily life and deepen your self-connection in the process.

How to Include Physical Touch in Your Daily Life

Make Your Move

Your body was not created to be sedentary!

Keeping your body moving is a great way to show yourself some love and strengthen your sense of self-appreciation.

You can learn a lot about yourself when you tune into your body and get active.

It doesn’t have to be a chore!
Staying fit and keeping your body strong and well looked after can be (relatively!) easy, as well as fun!

A Few Ideas:

  • Stretch!
    Whether you create a morning stretch routine or you take some time to do a bit of light yoga each day, stretching out your muscles not only helps them stay strong and healthy, it also feels really flipping good!
  • Dance!
    My favourite way to move is turning the radio up and get my groove on!
    Create an upbeat playlist on Spotify or YouTube, get your hairbrush-mic out and pretend you’re performing for hoards of adoring fans!
    It’s a great work out, amazing fun and…You can wear your pj's!
  • Walk!
    You can take your time, or do a brisk walk around the block, either way, walking is brilliant!
    I went down two dress size just by going for a mile-long walk every day, and it’s seriously helped my mental health, especially during this flipping pandemic!
    If you can get yourself out for a walk, even only a short one each day, you will feel so much better for it, I promise!

Learn the Art of Self Massage

There are many ways to get a pampering massage without going to a professional.

You can just ask your partner to give you a neck rub…

But, this about SELF-CARE!
You can learn to touch your own body…

Get yourself a book on self-massage and learn how to relax and look after your own muscles.

Look up acupressure balls and mats, they look scary but they are brilliant if you have issues with tension in hard to reach places!

Get yourself an Orgasmatron
Yes, that is what they are called!

Speaking of Orgasms…

Well…Why not?

Get comfortable with yourself and enjoy some time spent alone…

What could be a better way to deepen your self-connection and self-love than to do some actual self-lovin’…

It’s your body, learn how to love You the right way!

Nourish Yourself

I know most people who talk about self-care will tell you to eat Quinoa and choke down a daily, healthy kelp smoothie or something…

If that’s what you enjoy, then great!
You go grab that smoothie and seize the day!

However, when I say ‘Nourish Yourself’, I mean go eat food that you enjoy and make you feel good…

Yes, you should eat healthily, most of the time, but there is no point forcing yourself to eat food that you hate because it’s ‘good for you’.

That won’t do your Self any good…

Okay, I don’t mean go grab yourself a Big Mac every day because it’s your favourite.

But, you can make a brilliant burger at home that is probably much healthier, much more filling and most likely cheaper than junk food!

Here you’ll find a few meal ideas that are absolutely delicious, and reasonably healthy!

Get Pampering

All self-care routines should include some form of ‘pampering’ yourself!

I know a lot of people get irritated at ‘self-care’ always being more about face masks and bubble baths, but when it comes to looking after yourself, doing these types of activities is actually very important!

Okay, if you’re anything like me, you might not be into the whole face mask thing, and I know several people who hate the idea of a long bath…

So I thought I’d share a few ideas on how to have a bit of a pamper for those of us who don’t like face masks and bubble baths!

Such as:

  • Relaxing Shower Scrub & Steam
    We’ve all got to shower, so why not make it as fun a luxurious as a bath?

    It’s good for your skin and helps you feel clean and refreshed, so why not grab yourself some body scrub and shower steamers (the shower lovers bath bomb!) and get steamy the shower with a good playlist and bubbly shampoo!

    Half the time of the bath, half the water, but just as pampering!
  • Nails & a Movie
    If you like having your nails done, why not give yourself plenty of time to sit down and get them just right!

    Put on one of your favourite movies, get yourself comfortable and take all the time you need to pick out your favourite colour, paint your nails and let them fully dry before you even have to think about moving!
  • Good Coffee & Better Book (in bed!)!
    One of my favourite ways to give myself some ‘pamper time’ is to make a damn good cup of coffee and snuggle back into bed with my good book, and maybe a few snacks!

    It may not be a conventional pamper session, but surrounding yourself with blankets, cushions and wearing your cosy pjs…

    …enjoying a hot coffee and losing yourself in escapism…

    I honestly couldn’t think of anything better!

There are so many ways that we can use Physical Touch in our daily lives to improve our self-care, self-connection and overall wellbeing.

You can get to know yourself deeply and lovingly by using your main Love Language, but including aspects of all five love languages in your life will give your routine a much-needed boost, which can only ever be a good thing!

— Lizzy ❤️ x

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Caffeinated Housemum

Writer | Mother | Housewife | Coffee addict | My philosophy: Drink coffee and pretend you know what’s happening.