Words of Affirmation — Self Love in Action

How to use your Language of Love to deepen your self-connection

Caffeinated Housemum
7 min readFeb 12, 2021

We all have our own, inner dialogue.

For some, that dialogue is the biggest critic around.

However, if your main Language of Love is Words of Affirmation, then you need to work on creating an internal dialogue that follows a positive, self-affirming pattern.

There are ways of building an environment solely based on our self-love and self-care needs, but first, we need to be aware of what our main language of love is and why that is important.

I have been exploring each of the Languages of Love and delving into the ways that we can apply them to our lives.

This week, I have focused on using Words of Affirmation.

You can surround yourself with affirmative words, quotes and images, to increase your sense of love from your environment.

However, it is also important to include Words of Affirmation in your daily life and your self -care routine.

How to Include Words of Affirmation in Your Daily Life

Mirror Talks

Mirror Talks are when you take a few moments while looking at yourself in the mirror, and talk — to yourself!

Photo by Caroline Veronez on Unsplash

When you look in a mirror, you have direct access to yourself.
You can look into your own eyes and talk directly to your Self.

You may feel a bit crazy at first and, if you struggle with self-confidence or esteem issues, you may struggle to believe your own words when you start.

But, what better way to show yourself some true love, than to really speak it, openly and honestly, to your own face?

A few things you could start with:

  • Smile and Say ‘Good Morning!’
    This is how I started out and yes, I did feel pretty stupid the first 20 or so times! Eventually, it became a habit, and I started getting confident enough to start adding ‘Beautiful’ or ‘gorgeous’ each time as well!
    This is a good way to start Mirror Talks, as it gets you comfortable with hearing yourself acknowledge that you exist, which some of us don’t realise we need to hear!
  • Positive Affirmations
    Even if you go over a few silently while brushing your hair in the mirror, you can repeat some positive affirmations a few times a day.
    Repeating phrases such as ‘I love you’, ‘Hello, Beautiful’ or ‘I am a strong, confident and powerful woman’ while looking yourself in the eyes makes these affirmations even more powerful and personal.
  • Stick Words to Your Mirror!
    Buy some wall decals, or small stickers and stick them on or around your mirror. This way, you’ll always see those positive words when you look at yourself and, if your feeling brave enough, you can say them out loud and give yourself a strong, affirmative voice from within!

You look in the mirror every day, probably several times, so why not use that complete face to face connection to your advantage?

It may take time, but this is a great, and simple, way to use Words of Affirmation in your daily life!

Mood Boards

If you enjoy a bit of creativity, why not make yourself a mood board filled with positive words and quotes!

This is a brilliant way to increase the words of affirmation in your environment, made even better by you creating the board yourself.

The benefits of creating your own mood board:

  • You put your energy into finding the words that have meaning to you and placing them in your environment.
  • You are practising self-care when you put energy into creation.
  • You give your mind a focus point, to help achieve the vibe you want to create in your life, using words that you have chosen.

Mood boards can be created by anyone, using any medium you like!
For example:

  • Cutouts
    Get that stash of old magazines and newspapers out and cut out all the positive, uplifting quotes and words that speak to you!
    Even though the focus of this love language is Words of Affirmation, you can use images, or even whole pages from your magazine, if that’s what feels good for you!
    Some magazines, such as Cosmopolitan, have whole sections that focus on mood board creation!
  • Print Outs
    These days, you can find any quote or image you like online!
    Or, if you still want to be a bit creative, you can use Canva to create images or beautiful wording to print and put on your board.
    Or, just create your whole mood board on your laptop and print that out!
Create a word cloud to print for your mood board! I made this one Here!

Mood boards have so many benefits, especially the creatives among us.
They’re definitely worth thinking about if you want an easy way to surround yourself with Words of Affirmation!

Positive Podcasts/TED Talks

They may not be directly aimed at you, but listening to uplifting, affirmative words and speeches can definitely raise your vibe, especially if Words of Affirmation is your main language of love!

There are so many Podcasts and talks out there, for any subject you feel like listening too!
For example, just on YouTube, you can find:

That’s just YouTube!
Spotify has loads of positive and motivational podcasts for you to listen to you as well, so it really is easy to surround yourself with positive voices.


Probably one of the most advised forms of self-care, journaling is a great way for those who love Words of Affirmation.

I know you’ve probably heard it a lot, but having a journal can really benefit your mental health.

However, It doesn’t have to be a place for you to store all your emotions.
You can create a positive journal, filled with wonderful Words of Affirmation.

Here are a few ways this could work:

  • Gratitude Journal
    You’ve probably heard it hundreds of times, but keeping a gratitude journal is a fantastic way to raise your vibe and create more of the things that you love in your life.
    Each evening, write a few words about the things that you love and feel gratitude for in your life — This doesn’t need to be difficult, or a chore! — even if it’s as simple as ‘I love the smell of rain in the morning’ or ‘I am grateful that I have coffee in my life’.
    Honestly, if you feel love or gratitude towards something, take note!
    Go through your gratitude journal a couple of times a week and really observe how each person, place or thing you’ve noted makes you feel…
  • Commonplace Book
    If you haven’t heard of a Commonplace Book, you can check out loads of ideas for them on Pinterest!
    In short, they are like a bullet journal, but more specifically aimed at keeping notes of passages, quotes, ideas and words that inspire you and make you feel good.
    Keeping a commonplace book nearby and jotting down notes when you see or hear something you love seems like a really beautiful way to include Words of Affirmation in your daily life.
    Bonus! You have a lovely record of all the words you love, in one place!
  • Bullet Journal!
    Speaking of a BuJo, why not start one?
    A great tool for those who love words in general, as you can keep all the things you need for your life together, in one beautiful, unique and handy place!
    The great thing about a BuJo is that there is no wrong way to do it. It’s entirely your own and you can create it however you like.
    Make a collection of quotes, brainstorm your favourite motivational speakers or keep track of all the best, positive words you know, along with their meanings…

Journaling is a brilliant pass time for almost everyone, no matter how you like to do it!

Words of Affirmation is just one of the five Languages of Love and, whichever one speaks to you the most, I believe that we can benefit from using aspects of all five languages in our day to day routines.

Doing this gives us the ability to care for different aspects of our being, bringing the Whole Self together, using different ways of showing love to yourself.

— Lizzy ❤️ x

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Caffeinated Housemum

Writer | Mother | Housewife | Coffee addict | My philosophy: Drink coffee and pretend you know what’s happening.