Self Love in Action — How to Deepen Your Connection with Self.

Using Your Personal Love Language

Caffeinated Housemum
7 min readFeb 5, 2021

We all have our own ways of giving and receiving love.

The way we show our love to others, and the way we prefer to receive love, is called our Love Language.

The five languages of love are:

Incorporating your main language of love into your self-care routine will enhance it, keeping your cup fuller for longer and helping you to feel happier throughout your day to day life.

Self-care is about building a strong, loving and deep connection within yourself…

…Learning that you can rely on YOU to make you feel happy and loved.

Not only will you feel better by doing this, you will also increase your sense of self respect and self worth.

You are showing yourself that you know what you need and are willing to put your needs first.

How to Speak Your Self Love Language

Physical Touch — Your Self Love Language. What is your language of love and self care?
Physical Touch — Your Self Love Language

Physical Touch

The feeling of touch and physical affection is one of the main ways that many of us show that we love and care for others.

For some, it’s the way we like to be shown that we are loved as well.

There are a few ways that you can incorporate the language of physical touch into your self-care routine, such as:

  • Learn the art of Self Massage
    Get up close and personal with your own body. If you love to be touched, then giving yourself a massage each night before bed, or even just while you binge a boxset can give you that much needed boost of affection from within.
  • Bedding and blankets
    Make your physical environment comfortable and loving, just for you! Surround yourself with fluffy blankets and make sure you put fresh sheets on the bed as often as you can.
  • Good, Clean Clothes
    Always wear clothes that you love and feel good in, and you should also make sure that the clothes you wear are clean and fresh, at least at the start of the day!

The language of physical touch might not be for everyone, but if this is your main love language, then making some changes to your physical environment and routine can boost your self worth and help you feel amazing throughout your day to day life.

Words of Affirmation — Your Self Love Language. What is your language of love and self care?
Words of Affirmation — Your Self Love Language

Words of Affirmation

A lot of us love to hear that we are loved, appreciated and special to those around us.

Some ways to use Words of Affirmation in your day to day life are:

  • Positive Podcasts/TED Talks
    They may not be directed at you, but having someone speak affirmative words and talk positively about subjects you enjoy can boost your energy and raise your vibe.
  • Journaling
    A self-care technique that is often talked about, and is brilliant if your love language is words of affirmation! You can use journaling to keep positive affirmations, quotes and lyrics that you love in a safe place, or to write yourself love letters and keep them to read back later.
  • Self Encouragement
    Your inner narrative can sometimes be your biggest critic.
    When you feel that you are berating or belittling yourself, take a moment to stop and breath.
    Think about how you would speak to a friend if they were in your shoes, a loved one, and change your inner voice to one of a loving, caring friend to yourself.

If words of affirmation are your language of love, then surrounding yourself with positive quotes, words and sounds will greatly improve your feelings of love from within.

Your Self Love Language. What is your language of love and self care?
Receiving Gifts — Your Self Love Language

Receiving Gifts

When someone gives you a gift, especially if it’s out of the blue, it lets you know that they’ve been thinking of you.

A few ways to give yourself a little gift here and there are:

  • Cook yourself a favourite meal
    It doesn’t have to be healthy, it doesn’t have to be a special occasion or for any reason other than you want to do something loving and special for YOU. Cook it from scratch, light some candles and enjoy a meal made with your own two hands.
  • Indulge a little
    There’s probably something you love, something that makes you feel good, but probably isn’t good to have all the time…well, make it a little gift to yourself to have some indulgence, enjoy it as much as you can for a little bit of time, here and there or on a specific day each month…Bliss!
  • Check out a Charity Shop
    When you want to treat yourself to something new, why not head to a local charity shop and have a look around? You never know what bargains you’ll find and, if you do buy yourself a gift, you’re helping out others as well! Bonus good vibes!

When you give yourself a gift, even if it’s a simple one, you are replicating that feeling of being thought about and loved, letting yourself know that you are valuable and important.

Your Self Love Language. What is your language of love and self care?
Quality Time — Your Self Love Language

Quality Time

It’s important to make time in your day to day life to spend time with yourself.

It may not seem important, as you love spending time with others and feel cherished when they want to be with you, but giving yourself that much loved time is just as special.

A few ways you can do this include:

  • Go on a Solo Date
    The idea of Solo Dating may feel a bit daunting at first, but once you grow in confidence you’ll love the time you spend on your dates and look forward to each one, I promise!
  • Have a Lie in
    Now and then, turn off the alarm and spend a little bit of extra time snuggled up with your pillow, drifting along in dreamland…nothing wrong with spending some extra quality time on your beauty sleep!
  • Get a Hobby
    Spending time indulging in something you are passionate about and enjoy is a great way to lift your spirits and give yourself some time that is all about you and what you love.

What better way to get to know yourself and build a deeper connection to you then to spend time with all of your focus on YOU!

Your Self Love Language. What is your language of love and self care?
Acts of Service — Your Self Love Language

Acts of Service

This love language appeals to the love of having things done for you, life being made a little bit easier and a bit of time saved by planning or taking action.

You can implement this language into your self care by:

  • Mindful Housekeeping Schedule
    Rather than feeling like Cinderella when the laundry needs doing or the floor needs sweeping, take up the practice of Mindfulness and think of cleaning the house as clearing out your mind…It may be a bit difficult, to begin with, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll find it gets easier!
  • Declutter & Organise
    If you don’t like feeling cluttered and crowded, it’s a good idea to keep your space clear and organised. This way, you will feel like you are free and clear to relax, rather than worry about your surroundings.
  • Stick to routines
    Create morning and evening routines and make it your goal to stick to them each day. Not only are you helping your mind remain clear by having a routine, you are also making yourself a priority in your day and reliably looking after your needs.

Taking care of your basic needs as a human is important, but there is a lot more to self care than just face masks and bubble baths.

It’s a good idea to use all the languages of love throughout your self care routine, but using the one that speaks the most to you as your main base of activity will give your routine an added touch.

Take the time to build that deep, loving connection with yourself.

It’s worth every second!

— Lizzy ❤ x



Caffeinated Housemum

Writer | Mother | Housewife | Coffee addict | My philosophy: Drink coffee and pretend you know what’s happening.